Category Archives: CAFL

ETDFL list vs the CAFL list

The CAFL list stopped in 2006.  The ETDFL list continues to be printed every year and updated accordingly.  If older frequencies in the 2006 CAFL list were deemed unsuitable, or found not working effectively, they were replaced with ones that showed good results and in cancer patients this often eventuated in a remission process.

Yes the ETDFL is a 1 Million Hz list, and many frequencies go up to the 1 million level.  In the ETDFL, this is seen as KHZ, so a 900,000hz frequency would be 900Khz on the Rife Digital.



The electroherbalism list is dated June/2007 and has not been updated for 5 years.

The ETDFL Frequencies we use comprise of more than 3500 disease conditions.  The original CAFL covers about 1000.  The frequencies we use include both Dr Clark and Rife, and are updated every year.  Since 2006 the CAFL list was updated 5 times (5 editions) in Germany, and frequencies that were found inadequete were removed, and new frequencies were introduced for the treatment of disease conditions.  After selling more than 3000 Rife and Zapper Digital and evaluating the hundreds of testimonials and feedback’s from customers, we have come to a complete confidence in the validity of the ETDFL 2011 frequency list for the treatment of thousands of disease conditions.  The list is now released as the ETD Frequency list to account for the fact that it has surpassed the original CAFL document… Even though it does include many of the original CAFL frequencies.
